For the safety of our patients and teammates, opening for the following facilities will be delayed until 11:00 a.m. on Friday, January 24th: Onslow Ambulatory Services (Central Coast Dermatology, Onslow ENT, Internal Medicine and Primary Care, Onslow Pulmonology Associates, and Onslow Surgical Clinic), as well as Women's Imaging, Onslow Diagnostics, the Wound Care Clinic and Hyperbaric Center, Outpatient Rehabilitation Center, Cardiac Rehabilitation, Outpatient Imaging, Hematology/Oncology Infusion Center, Onslow Radiation Oncology, and SurgiCare.

We appreciate your understanding and cooperation during this time. Be safe!

Wel­come to Onslow Memorial


View cur­rent open­ings, apply for avail­able posi­tions, and con­tact a recruiter.


Read news releas­es, blogs, and updates from the hos­pi­tal and its ambu­la­to­ry services.

The DAISY and PETALS Awards

Nom­i­nate a Nurse or OMH Team­mate Today!

Billing and Insur­ance Information

Pay your bills, esti­mate your cost, apply for assis­tance, and more.

Onslow Ambu­la­to­ry Services

Onslow Ambu­la­to­ry Ser­vices: A fam­i­ly of prac­tices that address­es a vari­ety of med­ical needs.

Vir­tu­al Tour

Vis­it Onslow Memo­r­i­al Hos­pi­tal from the com­fort of your own home with our vir­tu­al tour.