Wel­come to Onslow Memorial


View cur­rent open­ings, apply for avail­able posi­tions, and con­tact a recruiter.


Read news releas­es, blogs, and updates from the hos­pi­tal and its ambu­la­to­ry services.

The DAISY and PETALS Awards

Nom­i­nate a Nurse or OMH Team­mate Today!

Billing and Insur­ance Information

Pay your bills, esti­mate your cost, apply for assis­tance, and more.

Onslow Ambu­la­to­ry Services

Onslow Ambu­la­to­ry Ser­vices: A fam­i­ly of prac­tices that address­es a vari­ety of med­ical needs.

Vir­tu­al Tour

Vis­it Onslow Memo­r­i­al Hos­pi­tal from the com­fort of your own home with our vir­tu­al tour.